Game Assets

SAI:Main Currency

Nature:SAI serves as the primary on-chain currency with real-world value.

Usage:It is used for various transactions within the game, making it a pivotal economic asset.

Role in Economy:As the main currency, SAI is integral to the game's economy, driving transactions, purchases, and exchanges.

GAI: The direct reward distributed within the game

Acquisition methods:

Battles, Let Me Out, Invite Friends, Quest tasks, and potentially other scenarios that may be added in the future.


The acquired GAI needs to be converted into SAI through the convert process, which uses a dynamic queuing mechanism. This is related to a combination of factors such as your level, the number of battles, the number of victories, your contributions, the overall mining speed and benefits of SpellGuru, and the system processing speed. You can check your level benefits to know your initial convert quota.

Sutando NFT

The blockchain representation of the AI Stand within the game, one of the important assets for users to play the game.

Battle Times:

A necessary prerequisite for users to engage in game battles, which need to be purchased with SAI or gifted by the system.


An important medium for users to edit catchphrases and strategies, each slot includes the rights to edit 2 catchphrases or strategies, and needs to be purchased with SAI or gifted by the system.

Last updated