
In this game, if you want your Sutando to help you earn more rewards, you must make it more human-like so that it can deceive the opponent in battle and win.

Set catchphrases for your Sutando, whether they are your own catchphrases or ones you wish it to have, and this will quickly enhance its level of personification. You just need to set the scenarios or contexts in which the catchphrases appear!

Of course, to encourage you to teach and nurture your Sutando more, we have set up something called Slots, which is the premise for you to edit more catchphrases. For each Slot you have, your base rewards (winning rewards and Sutando participation rewards) will receive a 0.25% bonus.

More high-quality catchphrase settings will greatly increase your chances of winning in battles, so please take some time to communicate with your Sutando!

Last updated