
The conversion system in allows users to easily convert GAI to SAI tokens.

Creating a sustainable economy

Every day, a specific supply of SAI is allocated to support the conversion of GAI to SAI.

To create a sustainable SAI economy, we would tightly design all actions related to introducing additional SAI into circulation, and ensure that these are issued as rewards for user engagement.

Although the amount of SAI entering the conversion system is dynamically adjusted based on the platform's revenue, there is still a possibility that the GAI users convert exceeds the available supply of SAI. Therefore, our conversion system employs a dynamic queuing mechanism, which is related to a combination of factors such as your level, number of battles, number of victories, contributions, the overall mining speed and revenue of SpellGuru, and the system's processing speed.

Queue System and FCFS Mechanism

You can only convert a certain amount of orders at a time, and you must complete this order before you can proceed to the next convert. Before each convert, you need to ensure that you do not have any unclaimed SAI. We offer different conversion limits for users at different levels, and you can check your level benefits to learn about your quota. It is necessary to inform you that if there are too many people in the queue, your waiting time in line may last for several days or even dozens of days. At the same time, we reserve the right to adjust your conversion quota according to the conditions of the economic system.

Your position in the queue will first follow the FCFS (First Come, First Served) principle, but at the same time, we will also adhere to the principle of rewarding more for more work, flexibly adjusting your position in the queue by considering your contributions to the community, to ensure that users with higher contributions can gain benefits first.

Last updated